2 1/2"X8' 25 GA. METAL STUD

Model #: 212MS8
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Drywall framing is not designed to bear vertical or horizontal loads, but will produce a very strong wall when the studs are faced with drywall panels on both sides. Western Metal studs are roll formed galvanized steel and made with punch holes so they are ready for plumbing, electrical and data lines. Drywall framing is also easier to work with than wood. Track is attached to the ceiling and directly below on the floor. Studs are then cut to the desired length using metal snips or a metal chop saw, thus allowing for variations in the floor-to-ceiling connections. The studs are then twisted into place as required by the stud spacing requirements. Studs and track are then screw attached and the appropriate panels applied.

Additional Product Details:

  • Size: 2-1/2" X 8'

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